In A Thousand Years (poetry)

Tear drops shatter- like broken shards of glass. My heart ceases to beat- beneath the misery. The somber raven- pecks at my soul. My very core- is numb with your lies. The charred embers- of all that we were. In a thousand years- my apocalyptic sun won’t matter. In a thousand...

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Wicked, Jagged Love (poetry)

Drowning under the waves of your love Time ripples through me Crashing against my heart. You will never know the sorrow that you sowed In me all those years ago Leaving me with only thorns to grow. Wicked, jagged love That is all I have Leaving wakes...

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Quinn Loftis: A Letter From The Great Luna (Guest Post)

To my children, This letter to you is to bring you hope, to shed some light into the dark place you now find yourselves standing. So much danger surrounds you all, so much strife and malice and I created you...

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Luna Aeturnus Book Review

Luna Aeturnus by Simon Okill My rating: 4 of 5 stars Do vampires deserve happy endings? That is something I found myself asking while reading part two of this series. I think it ended quite well. I won't tell you anything...

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Third Time’s The Charm–Cover Reveal!

THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM The Downey Trilogy #3 by Genevieve Dewey Adult Contemporary Fiction: Family Drama/Intrigue/Romance Expected Release: October 31st, 2013 Once to Begin, Twice to Bind, and Third Time’s The Charm… Of all the things Mickey Downey has accomplished in his life, successfully quitting...

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Happy Birthday! Did You Buy Poser for 29.99?

Yup.  It is my birthday.  But instead of you giving me gifts, I'm going to give you a quick "must haves list " that I promised you after you purchased Poser 9 for 29.99 over here.  Didn't get it?...

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Since I have been able to figure out how to turn on my comments on my blog here (there was a funky setting clicked) I have found the wonderful world of SPAM.  It doesn't just come in a can...

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Poser 9 for 29.99?!!!!

I was shopping around on my favorite Poser related site.  I noticed this little square.  HOLY CRAP MUFFIN!!!  Poser for 29.99....granted this is not the newest or the professional version BUT if you want to learn Poser and you...

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Linger (New Poem)

The broken down truck on the side of the road reminds me of days gone by cruising  in your Chevy till the gas ran dry.   The tears finally stopped coming about a year after you left I had no more desire to cry over your bad choices.   The...

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Reel Danger: Screen for Your Life–book review!

Reel Danger: Screen for Your Life by Richard W Haines My rating: 4 of 5 stars Scandalous politicians, wild love affairs, and explosive film combine for a great read! This is the second book in this series and I really enjoyed it....

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