Fortune Calling Book Blast!!!

Dallas Fortune is a small town girl with a gift for playing guitar. A member of her family has played the Grand Ol Opry since it began as a simple radio show in 1925. But, they are the minstrels,...

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Post #2 Athine Verses: The Beginning

Verse One:  Chapter 1:  Harmonia “Try harder then, Harmonia,” replied Ares as he stood next to his daughter.  She was such a fragile looking thing.   She inherited her sun streaked reddish blonde hair from her mother.  Her crystalline eyes had...

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Post #1 Athine Verses: The Beginning

As promised, here is the first posting from Athine Verses:  The Beginning   Verse One:  Prologue I t was not the newcomers that worried the Sitibin, but rather it was the culture the newcomers were bringing with them…   Many years ago the world was...

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When Xena Met Buffy

Cool title huh?  Unfortunately if you are looking for fanfic you have stumbled upon something that has nothing to do with these two characters....well in the fanfic sense. If you didn't know, I wrote a few books that I have...

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What I learned in 2013: I am not a widget

My books are actually doing well: I haven't been able to retire yet, but I just added up what I got from Amazon for 2013 from my book sales and it was about 87.00 bucks.   I made about 12...

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If you have Amazon PRIME you should consider the Kindle Fire HDX

For most of 2013 I had been looking for a tablet.  I had an older one from 2011 that I got when I was with the phone company that shall not be named.  It was not the best thing...

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#swissherbs to the Rescue thanks to @klout

I like free stuff.  I like trying out products.  Especially if they are quality products. Since joining Klout, which to tell you the truth I had no idea what it was at first, I have gotten 3 awesome free...

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