Phantom Bigfoot Strikes Again by Simon Okill

Awkward teen prankster, Duane Dexter, would never have guessed how much his humdrum life would change in the space of 1 year. Since his 18th birthday he inherited more money than he could spend, won the hearts of Big...

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Another Site Redone

I finally have converted also known as into a page more like what I envisioned.  It isn't completely ready yet, but most of it is in place.  I moved away from the wild scrolly pages and all...

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Cool WordPress Plug In!

I recently went and got a spiffy new theme from the folks at, but I was having a problem getting the sections to query in the order I desired.  I tried changing the dates and all that junk....

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New Book Page Live! (#fantasy #athine #asmsg)

After much tweaking, but no twerking, I have finally decided to make my new book "hub" live.  You remember this page?  Well, I've been wanting to redo it for sometime.  I had a lot of ideas and some great...

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