The Legend of Hercules (Movie Review)

I don’t normally write movie reviews, but my husband checked out The Legend of Hercules for us to watch from the Library the other night.  As you know, I write mythology based books, so I love most things mythology. The...

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Wednesday Shout Out: My Mom

Apparently when I am interviewed, my brain sometimes is like uhm durrr question.  Many times I am asked who inspired me or is there anyone I would want to give a "shout out to".  95% of the time this...

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All Good Things Must Come To An End

For a little more than a year now I have had Athine Verses:  The Beginning out as a free standalone title.   I have enjoyed being in the top 20 of the "Freebies" for several categories over at Amazon...

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I AM an artist. There is no MAKE ART BUTTON!

I was very upset when I started formulating this blog post in my head.  However, after some time to reflect and cool down I finally figured out that it doesn’t matter what people think and I just let it...

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At First I was Really Upset. Now, Not So Much.

You know I genuinely try to be happy for other authors and artists that “make it” in some way or gain attention for their art.  There is plenty of room out there for many artists to “make it”.  You...

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Happy Election Day!    

Here in Kentucky it is “Primary Election Day” and for the last several weeks we have been bombarded with ads and signs all over town to vote for this, that, or the other.  It dawned on me as I...

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