Techy Talk: Productivity Helpers No 2 (Office 365)

In a world where most authors are also working a 40 hour work week to pay the bills, finding time to work on your books, your author platform, and your laundry can be a challenge.  So, what can you...

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Techy Talk: Productivity Helpers

In a world where most authors are also working a 40 hour work week to pay the bills, finding time to work on your books, your author platform, and your laundry can be a challenge.  So, what can you...

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Happy Book Birthday!! Beware The Ides of March!

  It's been a long time coming.  My last new book released in 2014.  Here we are five years later.  Not only do I have five books completed and scheduled for release in 2019-2020, but I have 15 more I...

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I Broke Up With Zazzle

This morning I woke up to a change in the TOS for Zazzle. That was the marketplace I used to sell my Wicca Inspiration Cards and poetry shirts. I did OK there, but it wasn't really paying...

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