Haven of Dante: Leonardo Ramirez

Tell us about the book. Here’s the synopsis: "For centuries members of the nine circles of hell have infiltrated our society at every level. Calling themselves the Aristocracy, they have sought to replace humanity on the surface. The only ones who...

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Welcome Author Danielle DeVor

Today I welcome Author Danielle DeVor with her new book and giveaway! Book Blurb: Sixteen-year-old ghost hunter, Emma Hoffman thought that moving into an old Victorian was going to be awesome-- ghosts galore. Much to her delight, she discovers that the house...

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Love Is Never Past Tense!

Today I welcome Author Janna Yeshanova and she gives us her  TOP TEN LIST of places you have always wanted to go but never did and their why nots: For me, there are plenty of places I would like to go, but...

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Spear of Athena: Primitive Heroism in Deneb (Pearson Moore)

Today I have a riveting essay from the author of Deneb--- Pearson Moore.  In this essay, he talks a little about his main characters and shares some of the wonderful commissioned art. Kathy Augustine, Hero of Deneb Illustration by Chris Rallis,...

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Interview with Terry Reid #ASMSG

    Hayley Foster is a woman with a secret. Her flatmate is her guardian angel. But with the terrifying events of two years ago firmly put behind them, Hayley finally dares hope for a quieter life for her and Alex...

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Did you ever have one of those crappy days where nothing seems to go right?  Well that was my Tuesday until I received an email from this reviewer saying she had enjoyed my book! McKaylin has a great review blog...

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Welcome Author Ruth Watson-Morris

1)      Tell us a little bit about your book Sky # In Search of the Dragons?  What are the main highlights? The book is the third part of a three part series (which may now extend to a fourth).  Sky...

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Welcome Author Ed Gaydos!

Today I have a special guest on my new blog.  Please welcome the author of Seven in a Jeep:  A Memoir of the Vietnam War. 1)  Tell us a little bit about your book?  What are the main highlights? Seven in a Jeep is...

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