Time Management for Writers: Sign Up Now!!!

Hey writer friends! You are not going to want to miss this class. If you are ready to turn over a new leaf about your writing, join my friend Ynes Freeman for this magical, online adventure. ...

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A Review of Done for You Social Media: Is it worth the price of admission?

I admit, I'm not generally a fan of "social media calendars". You know why? Because I tried a bunch of them, from free to paid, and they were all kind of generic. Like you didn't get...

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Author Talk: Pretty As A Picture

You’ve written an epic post.  You’ve gotten your #hashtags sorted.  Now what?  You need eye candy!  Now, I realize as an artist picking pictures is second nature to me.  I also realize they are the bane of existence for...

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#Hashtag Heaven

After you’ve come up with your brilliant idea on WHAT you will post about, your next step is to figure out the best ways to make your post visible. But how do you do that? The answer to this...

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Author Talk: Courses

People have come to know me as "Knower of Stuff, Doer of Things". I am truly a Jack of All Trades in the context of the original saying: A jack of all trades is a master of...

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Author Talk: Productivity

The IT people at my day job hate it when I complain about screen slowdowns.  Do you know why it annoys me?  Because seconds add up.  Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours.  When I'm in the...

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This post isn't really a Techy Talk nor is it a You Wrote A Book, Now What post. Yet, it is an important post. As you may have discerned, I like good deals. I seem...

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Author Talk: So You Wanna Write A Book?

Over the years I have focused on my "So You Wrote A Book" series to help newer authors navigate the world of independent publishing.  Yet, what about people who stop here and would like to write a book, but...

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Author Talk: Website Stuff

I'm in a lot of author groups on the web.  I see other authors posting a lot about newsletters, domains, and websites.  Websites kinda freak out those that are not "technology savvy".  So, that got me thinking maybe YOU...

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Author Talk: MOO Cards

I promised in my last entry that I would eventually show you what I came up with in place of "drop cards" since I am too poor to initiate production of those.  Enter MOO cards and Printfinity.  Along with the...

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