Happy Birthday! Did You Buy Poser for 29.99?
Yup. It is my birthday. But instead of you giving me gifts, I’m going to give you a quick “must haves list ” that I promised you after you purchased Poser 9 for 29.99 over here. Didn’t get it? WELL GO NOW. Then come back.
Welcome Back! As promised here is a list of items you should pick up from various places. My favorite site is here:
There are MANY useful things here. I will highlight a few. Most of these items will be for V4 or Victoria 4 from DAZ. I will show you how to get her in a minute. I will caution you though, you may want to use one of the many “free” models in Poser first or you may want to pick up Hivewire’s Dawn. Poser comes with models and clothes for those models for you to play with. LOTS OF MODELS!!!
The reason I am going with V4 first is because she is the most popular and has the most free/paid stuff out there. So, ready to go shopping at Rendo? OK, look for these items!
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/perfect-v4-complete—full-body-fix/94928/ This is a fix that is an “injectable” product. It comes with very easy instructions in the zip file. What is this for? V4 is notorious for having problems bending. This eliminates almost ALL of it.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/i13-professional-lights-with-light-ease/98643/ If you do a lot of research you will find that setting lights in Poser can be daunting. However, for the beginner this is the BEST set. It is very easy to use and comes with PDF and video files to get you started. I matched many hard backgrounds with this product. Lighting is the key to a great picture….digital or photograph….you can use this for any character or prop.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/mildboreal-lights/88680/ This is another great light set. It really brings out the colors of skins and items. Again, any character or prop.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/renderosity-prime-membership/87657 Serious about your 3D art and getting great deals? Join the PRIME market. You get a lot of the stuff I am showing you for $3.50 at times. The forums are uber helpful and you can put 3 pics a day in your gallery for comments.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=97174#ProductReviews Poses are important. I like most of the poses by Emma and Jordi. I highlighted my favorite current set, but they have so many more. Sure, you can pose V4 yourself, but if you want a nice quick way to start…a pose pack is perfect.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?vendor=vikike176 You will need somewhere for your “person” to be. Regardless of your base model….this vendor, Vikke176, has GREAT stuff. GREAT POSES. I highly recommend Path 1-10! Also, shiny 2 and 3 light sets are wonderful. Plus, my warrior woman, she is a great looking character package. (poses for V4, but props can be used for any figure)
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/mdd-ahruna-for-v4-2/98638/ You cannot go wrong with anything Maddelerium makes. Period. Never. This is my favorite package.
Helpful hint. If you find a vendor you just LOVE you can add them to your favorite vendor list and you get emailed when they release a new product. Also, most vendors have a ‘free stuff’ section on their store page where you can pick up excellent goodies for FREE. Not to mention Rendo’s whole “free stuff” section…..
A V-4 Render
But, Shannon, how do I get Victoria 4?
Well you need to go to DAZ. I have found her in the market place here. http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-2-complete. Sad thing is she used to be free. Not the morphs and things, but the basic model. They have an even bigger package….http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-3d-model-pro-suite. At the time of writing this the base is 29.99 and doesn’t come with Morphs ++, but the 4.2 complete (bundle) is 49.99 and comes with many key morphs that you need to make V4 rock. There is also Aiko 4, The Girl 4, and Stephanie 4, but you can read all about those. I have all of them, b/c back in 2009 when I started with studio they were mostly free, but it may be not so cost-effective these days.
But Shannon, I don’t want Victoria 4?
Well you are in luck. There is a new figure in town called Dawn. SHE IS FREE. http://hivewire3d.com/dawn-starter-pack.html She doesn’t have a lot of the limitations that V4 does. However, she was born in August of 2013 and there isn’t a HUGE amount of stuff out for her yet, but I have links! There are multiple sites with cool stuff for Dawn. Apparently when V4 came out, there wasn’t much for her either and people did nekkid pictures of her in a temple with a sword. Dawn is no different, but she has a lot more support than poor Anastasia did. Hivewire is where Dawn originates, but add ons for her are all over. I don’t care much for the things that are over in Hivewire, but morphs and things are only here. If you don’t want to pay for her, just remove all the stuff with a price and download her. She comes with hair, a bikini, and some poses. More than enough to play with. And her skins that she does come with are high quality. Now, onto links for stuff.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/index.php?ViewProduct=100924 To me, base dawn is pretty jacked up. She reminds me of Princess Leia action figures before they got her feminine features right. If I could only buy one package I would suggest this one for a character package. You cannot go wrong with a Fabi character.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/p3d-madison/100708/ Again you can’t go wrong with a girl from P3D
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/sv-dawn-skin/100555 I haven’t tried these yet, but this is a great skin package add on. The cool thing about getting more than one pack? You can use face and body morph from 1 with the skin from another to make unique characters.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/dawns-mega-wardobe/100716 A big ole pack of clothes for her that don’t look crappy. I got it, but haven’t used it. OOT is a top notch vendor though.
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/essential-for-dawn/100244 The stuff from Powerage is crazy. This is a great mix of two fantasy outfits and two regular world outfits. I would get this if I wasn’t poor!
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/dms-pretty-dawn-2/100423 If you are PRIME this is 3.50 and a nice package of poses.
http://www.runtimedna.com/Hivewire3D/ Finally, I will just set you loose over there in RDNA for Dawn stuff. They have V4 stuff too, but it’s volumes and volumes of uber cool stuff. And I can’t even begin to cover the IDL lighting. If you want to do IDL lighting, which is a feature for 9, then go here and look.
My First Dawn Render:
I found this GREAT video (scroll down) from Content Paradise (part of SmithMicro where you can get 3D stuff for the Poser people that come included) for everything afraid of starting Poser b/c of the technical level. It really isn’t hard.