Author Talk: Who Can Afford Newsletter Providers?

Listen, I understand as a small potato you may be intimidated by newsletter service providers and their fees. I also understand one of the many reasons newbies stick with those giant name brand services may be ease of...

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Got 10 minutes? Use them to boost your Instagram bio with Shorby!

You know that Instagram is not link-friendly - there is only one clickable link possible to add for the whole profile. Luckily, you have Shorby *to the rescue! This service combines all of the important links you want to share...

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Once Upon Another World!

WOW! I've waited for this book like forever. But the wait is OVER. Grab a copy of this book today and help this authors make their USA Today fairy tale come true!!!!

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October Book Fair

Check out this awesome book fair and giveaway!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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