Christine de Pizan:  An Interesting Woman of Letters

Christine de Pizan: An Interesting Woman of Letters

Picture this:  The plague is raging outside your home and your husband has just died from the disease.  You are now left with an elderly mother and three children to feed, but you previously were a homemaker.  Whatever is a widower to do?  How about write!  For clarification purposes I am talking about the plague from the 1300s and not the one from 2020. 

I must admit our current plague has kept me from my #WomenWednesday duties.  When I started these articles, I had grand desires to do a weekly post, but given I research and read about the women I feature before writing it sometimes takes longer than I would like.  But not today.  I read about this fascinating lady over the weekend and decided to come back to pen this post today. 

What better way to start off NANOWRIMO than by celebrating a woman who used her writing abilities AND got paid!  Looks like she even was her own self-publishing maven as she oversaw and produced her own manuscripts—the number being at least 60 works! 

Check her out!


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