I’m Not Dead–I’m just Being An Outlaw

I know that I have been blogging sporadically these days.  I’ve pretty much given up on my social media duties and abandoned things like Triberr.  I think I blogged in January and did not post again until just the other day.  Basically, for the last year I have been wallowing in a deep dark pit of “bleah” and “I don’t wanna”.  So, I cut back on all these “things” I felt like I had to do and in doing so I have returned to doing things when I want to…which is really on no schedule of any kind.  You know what else?  The world didn’t end.  I still sell just as many books.  People continue to follow me on Twitter and Facebook.  Truth is, I don’t think it ever really mattered how many blog posts I put up or Tribber posts I Tweeted out from @obsidianpoet.  The people that find me and follow me still come here when I put out something new.  Hell, people even Tweet out the stuff I blog (Thank you!).

And now, I am back….kind of.  I’m going to start blogging about games, video games, tech, other random things.  This is after all MY blog and I can just talk about whatever I want.  I also have some very varied interests that I would like to blog about.  I’m throwing out the notion that there has to be this “writing” theme.  Everything that I was told to do in 2012 to make myself a “viable author” I’m kind of forgetting.  I’m not going to compare myself to my author friends that can churn out book after book.  I’m not going to listen to those author friends or author support groups that tell me I need to spend more time selling books.  More ads!   More blog cross overs!  Restrict yourself to a theme on your posts!  Do more picture commissions!  Nope, nope, nope, and nope. I’m just going to do what I want when I want.  Tomorrow might be a video game post and then next week I might post about Ramen noodles.  Or, I might go on a game playing tangent and not even bother with a post for the next six weeks.  Who knows?

If you ever miss any of my posts on my now non-topic whatever I want to post blog, you can usually filter them by the categories.  For instance, poetry should bring up all my poems. 3D Art would bring up anything related to my renders.

As always, feel free to comment or use that contact thingy to send me a line!


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  1. Aidan Stone April 10, 2016 at 12:53 pm · · Reply

    Can’t wait to read the blog about Ramen noodles!

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