AI: The Djinn Is Out Of The Bottle

AI. It's a thing that has been out there for longer than you think. Have you ever talked to Siri or Google? Have you ever relied on a spelling or grammar checker like ProWritingAid? A...

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Serial Reading: Tapping A New Audience

I had an amazing time at the Imaginarium in Louisville this weekend. I kind of wish I could have stayed overnight, but alas, life LOL. Also, I am WORE out. I will post something about that...

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Techy Talk 2022: Upgrading to iPad Air 5th Gen

Back in April of 2019 I wrote a blog post in my tech series about productivity helpers. In the article, I lamented briefly about not being able to get the 2018 iPad Pro. At the time, I...

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Canva: Why You Need It

I will admit, I used to not love Canva. I just didn't see the need to pay for something per month when I already had a whole host of graphic resources. In fact, I tried Canva and...

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Square: Actual Tools You Can Use Anywhere

When I was growing up cash was king…and I guess in some instances cash still is…but most people you encounter these days live and die by plastic cards. Unlike cash or checks, you need a middle-man to crack open...

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Creatives: Look Like A Million Bucks For Less Than $200

Professionalism. Legitimacy. Looking Good On Paper. That's how you convince people you aren't some weirdo in a shed scamming email addresses. The truth of the matter is people judge books by covers all the time....

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Perks of Draft2Digital: #1-Formatting Is Free!

Back when I first started publishing books almost twenty years ago there was a real lack of resources available to me. Unlike now, you couldn't throw a proverbial rock and hit a service provider. There wasn't anyone mass mailing...

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Author Talk: Who Can Afford Newsletter Providers?

Listen, I understand as a small potato you may be intimidated by newsletter service providers and their fees. I also understand one of the many reasons newbies stick with those giant name brand services may be ease of...

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#Hashtag Heaven

After you’ve come up with your brilliant idea on WHAT you will post about, your next step is to figure out the best ways to make your post visible. But how do you do that? The answer to this...

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Author Talk: So You Wanna Write A Book?

Over the years I have focused on my "So You Wrote A Book" series to help newer authors navigate the world of independent publishing.  Yet, what about people who stop here and would like to write a book, but...

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