What Really Frightens You, Too
What Really Frightens You, Too: We Double Dare You to Find Out by Richard W Haines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Once again Richard W. Haines has sent me a fun book to read. Although this does feature a few of the people from his 24-Frames Per Second Thrillers, it has a different approach than the other novels in the series. For a good while, until Patty and “The New American Times” showed up I wondered if there was anyone from the other books in this one.
I did enjoy the book and it was a real page turner with its mystery. I needed to know more about Bradach because I felt there was something off about him from the first time I read about him.
I am not a big “horror” fan, but this wasn’t too much horror for me to dislike it. I was, however, disappointed by the ending. It wasn’t a bad ending, but I didn’t get the closure I wanted. Yet, it was fitting for the overall book and knowing Richard’s past as a movie director and the genre he worked in it really does make sense to me why he did what he did.
If you like horror books or movies, you will like this book. It’s worth the read!