Pronoun is Dead
For a brief moment, I thought I had found a solution to all my eBook woes. You remember my last two posts about Pronoun and how I loved it. How I worked really hard to change everything to get my books over there. I even redid some of the pricing on my books. Sad thing is, I’ve sold books since moving to Pronoun. People were finally finding my books and they were paying money for them.
Then I got a horrible email earlier this week about how they were shutting their doors. No more pretty author page. No more fancy ebooks. No more free Amazon books without the price match hassle.
I was all set last Sunday to release Untitled Sadness. Unfortunately, they shut the doors before I could roll it out. So, I cheated a bit. I changed the listing for #BROKEN to Untitled Sadness. It was an omnibus of poetry anyway containing all of my poems broken into new and then those in Erosion…which has all my previous poetry in it.
I don’t know what happens from here. I was hoping I could just upload all my ePubs from Pronoun back at Draft to Digital and keep all the beautiful formatting. But, I don’t know if that will work. You can migrate off Pronoun, but I don’t know what kind of files you get. If the inside of the files have the wrong ISBN there is nothing I can do to change it.
I’m going to leave the books up at Pronoun until at least I get a break in December from the day job. I’m going to work on creating my own author page with the elements I liked from the Pronoun page. I’m also going to cry in the corner because it makes me sad.
Stay tuned.