Nucly Professional Training For Photographers, Artists, and Designers: Are the courses worth the price?
I am sure it is no surprise for anyone to learn you need to PRACTICE art regardless of the medium you choose. Everything from coloring pages to complex compositions require some modicum of skill. Even if you use a computer.
The truth is, I learned how to use Photoshop back when it was Photoshop 6. Not CS6…no no my friend like circa 2000. However, I’ve been searching for the last 20 years for a way to properly use PS. I know some viewers think my art skills are great, but compared to some artists out there I suck.
I tried desperately for many years to “figure out” where I could learn to do “that”. I talked to a lot of artists, looked at a lot of art, and collected a bunch of tutorials. Honestly, most tutorials about PS are taught from a more technical perspective. Nobody seems to want to teach you the things that make art “great” vs “OK”. I even found other artists were quite unwilling to share HOW they did something or where I could even try to learn how an effect was achieved.

I put off actually watching most of the tutorials and classes I’ve collected over the last several years for many reasons. But 2020 was a doozy of a year and I finally gave myself permission to use art materials I had saved and to watch these tutorials.
Before purchasing the RIKARD RODIN COMPLETE PACK, I had been given a free tutorial through a Facebook ad called “Snow White”. I watched it and I did like it. I also learned several interesting things techniques in this class, which I promptly forgot because I didn’t practice the techniques. After the freebie, I found myself on the mailing list, but still I didn’t buy anything. I was sure these classes would be like everything else…lacking information and frustrating. However, right after Thanksgiving, I received an email to take the “free masterclass” with a promise of a free gift for watching. Yes, the masterclass was more like an infomercial EXCEPT he did give you several tips which were actionable tips. Not just fluff and stuff.
My free gift was “Getting Started With Photoshop”. You’d think this was just a basic class, more gimmick than anything. I’m glad I didn’t skip it. In the graphic above you will notice a woman with a wolf. I used my assets to follow along with the tutorial and made something way better than I had ever made. That picture is actually 5 different pictures put together. None of them have the same coloration. I finally understood how to combine photos to build an entirely new landscape in a non-frustrating way inside PS.
I eventually bought the complete bundle and then also the atmosphere bundle. I’ve worked my way through the Getting Started with Photoshop and most of the Color Grading Masterclass. It’s a lot of information, but the way he presents stuff makes it easy to follow along even if you don’t use the provided assets.
So, the question is, should you shell out over a grand for the tutorials and tools in the bundle? Nope. I say that not because the tools aren’t worth the price, but because there are always great sales and that’s just a number on a webpage. For instance, I purchased my complete pack on sale for under $200 dollars and I think this was a fantastic deal. Inside the webinar style masterclass they even address signing up for the newsletter and waiting on sales b/c when the courses go on sale, it’s about the same price as the deep discount with the bundles. If the free masterclass is available, I’d definitely sign up to watch it!
So, here is what I suggest: you should join the email newsletter to watch for discounts & sales on new products, take the free masterclass, visit the YouTube page, and visit his blog. You can also check out the ads on Facebook or follow the Nucly Facebook page to keep tabs on deals. Keep in mind if you buy a few items and then later opt for a bundle, you may be buying something you already own. For me, I have found the single courses like Snow White sometime are offered free or for as low as $9 bucks. The company also has a pretty great 30 day money back guarantee if you decide later on the tutorials just aren’t working for you.
The classes can be found at, the YouTube channel at, or the blog at!