Calling All Kentucky Writers: A New Conference Arrives

Calling All Kentucky Writers: A New Conference Arrives

I am SUPER excited to discuss an upcoming event in Central Kentucky. Why? Because the event is a brand new conference for writers, authors, and wanna-bes of all levels. If you’ve been itching to attend a live workshop where you can dive into short stories, memoirs, and poetry then step right up.

The program starts off with a workshop by talented writers such as Crystal Wilkinson and Richard Taylor. But, workshops on writing aren’t the only thing this exciting opportunity has in store! There will also be a panel of professionals available to take your questions.

You can find more about the writer’s conference by visiting . The event will be held on 4/30/22 in Frankfort. Early Bird Tickets for the event are currently priced at $75.00 for adults with lunch included! Join us for a fun day of learning.

If you are interested in joining fellow writers in a more laid back environment, check out the website to learn more about the Bluegrass Writers Coalition as a group.


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