Sue’s Arts, Crafts, and Stuff #kentucky #indie
Just wanted to give everyone a head’s up about a little place called Sue’s Arts, Crafts, and Stuff. The shop is located in Renfro Valley and I am pleased to announce that some of her newest acquisitions happen to be my Kentucky Nature Photograph prints and my books! Don’t they look great out there? Don’t you want to stop and shop? Although I have only been able to see pictures of the shop so far, Sue has lots of Kentucky authors’ and artists’ works in her store. I even saw some interesting looking hats in one picture.
If you are in the area, stop on by and browse! Remember, helping support your local artists makes Kentucky’s economy even stronger!
Directions From Sue: South I 75 exit 62 turn left North I 75 turn right go 1/2 miles and you are in Historical Renfro Valley !!!!!! We are located in the Valley Vendor Mall ask at the Info office or call 800 – 765 – 7464 they will lead you right to us !