#Moving Day

You may have noticed that I have a new page for my books.  Click on the Books! link like always and it will take you to the new page.  It won’t ever be as pretty as what I lost with Pronoun, but it’s MINE; it’s also not as hard to maintain as my previous page.

I am moving back to KDP for my Amazon books and Draft2Digital for everything else.  This process is a bit tedious getting files, updating things, moving things.  When all is said and done, I will have one universal eBook link for each title.  Bear with me as they update.

I won’t have a paper link anymore b/c Amazon took the Createspace store away.

The first books I’m working on are The Secret of Genetic Corp X and Cursed Bloods.  Those may be out of commission until Monday or so.  We’ll have to see how it goes.

If you have landed here via a business card and you want an eBook, just look on the site where you buy your books from.  Even if my links are broken, you should still be able to search for my books 🙂


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